Christopher Finkelmeyer has a driving passion for breaking down the barriers between audience and performer. Every performance is a masterfully crafted “Unstuffed” experience where music becomes magnet for imagination, humor, compassion and joy.

To widen the effects of his live performances even further, in 1999 Finkelmeyer embarked on creating a series of eight “Un” recordings featuring great works of the piano literature.

The first three of the eight-part series - ‘Passionately Unstuffed’, ‘Unspoken’, and ‘Unforgotten Christmas’ are completed and are available on

Humorous, thoughtful, and informative, each recording is accompanied by unusual written text that takes the listener on an adventure as it focuses on different aspects of experiencing music.

Passionately Unstuffed

The first of the eight-part series, Passionately Unstuffed, features works of the great composers of piano literature. And in the 20-page accompanying booklet, the listener is led on a humorous guided tour of the essence of these composers, peppered with quips as to their personal eccentricities, as well as thoughtful reflections on their achievements.

click here


Unspoken, part two of the series, continues with works by the great composers, but expands the repertoire to include Finkelmeyer's own Concert Improvisations of a beloved Broadway and traditional folk tune.

The booklet that accompanies Unspoken explores the influences of music on the listener and references writings of great men of other times and arts, as well as including Finkelmeyer's personal reflections on the selections.

click here

Unforgotten Christmas

Unforgotten Christmas, the third in the series, takes a different tack entirely. A collection of Finkelmeyer's original Concert Improvisations on sacred Christmas music, it is a uniquely individual encounter, with no guide whatsoever except for the listener's own experiences as he meets the familiar melodies woven within a tapestry of exotic and classical harmonies.

click here

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